Karen Zoe Goff

This is a blog intended for family and friends of our sister, Karen 'buzie' Goff. She was in a motorcycle accident on May 25, 2006 while on her way to visit our father in NC. We hope to post regular updates for family and friends on Buzie's current condition. Keep positive thoughts in your mind and heart for her!

August 02, 2006

back to her nest...

hello all:

semi-BIG update for everyone! the feed tube is out! that's right....OUT. the doctors took it out yesterday as mom started eating better the past few days. just put a plate in front of her...and she starts chowing down. that a girl! the doctors did say all along that when she was ready to, she would eat. it was difficult to continue being patient, though. but the important thing is that she is eating and drinking on her own. and the feed tube was the last of the tubes. so no ivs, no tubes, nada. medically, mom is doing just fine on her own!

mom's rehab team has also decided to bump up her discharge date to aug. 11th (next friday!) there is much to do in preparing for her to come home. first, they will be pushing mom in rehab over the next week. she is in the tail end of the confusion phase and we hope she'll continue to clear up over the next couple weeks. tomorrow night they'll be taking the tent off of mom's bed as well, and let her try to sleep in an open bed. since she's been in rehab, mom has what's called a "tent" surrounding her bed. it's just like what it sounds....basically a netting with zipper openings on either side. it keeps her safe so she doesn't fall out of bed and prevents her from getting up and wandering off!

in preparation for her homecoming, dad will be taking a "test drive" of 24 hour caretaking. from saturday night until tuesday night dad will stay with mom 24 hours at the rehab in a transitional apartment. he will be able to try some things out like taking her out for a meal, taking her for a drive, and taking her to the store. it's a time for him to see what it's going to be like when she comes home. next week, he will let the rehab team know whether he thinks he can do it (go dad...we believe in you!). they might look in to having some in-home nursing care just to help with the first couple weeks she's home. it will just be a matter of watching her 24/7 and getting her through each day.

overall, mom's rehab team is still very pleased with her progress. they are happy with her everyday improvements and still expect her to make a full recovery. every time i hear that i have to thank my lucky stars. we are so blessed not only to have mom still with us, but to have her improving every day...on a steady (but slow) road to a full recovery.

i want to let everyone know that in the coming months dad will need help! he needs not only love, thoughts, and prayers....but also helping hands. i will be traveling out some weekends over the next few months. he'll need help doing errands, groceries, mowing the lawn...all the kinds of things he might not have quite enough time in the day to do! everyone has been so supportive thus far, but remember that mom's coming home will bring with it a whole new set of challenges. we have to keep working together to help mom and dad get through this.

stay tough, mom. just another week or so and you'll be back to your nest. we all love you so much and are ready to help you in your recovery as best we can!

much love,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is just awesome news Steph!!! My thoughts are with Mr. G as he prepares to bring her home and with the rest of you out there helping them adjust. Good luck!

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear the news. Bless you all. I am praying for a trip to Indiana soon to see Buzie.
My love to all of you.

7:30 AM  
Blogger peanut said...

great update Steph......we are here for all of you.....and I for one will be coming out to help. Let me know what weekend would work and when you think you will need the most help.
I love you Buz and know you can do this. We are all trying to be so patient and look forward to you being back in full swing.

Love you all!


8:28 AM  

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