Karen Zoe Goff

This is a blog intended for family and friends of our sister, Karen 'buzie' Goff. She was in a motorcycle accident on May 25, 2006 while on her way to visit our father in NC. We hope to post regular updates for family and friends on Buzie's current condition. Keep positive thoughts in your mind and heart for her!

June 16, 2006

t.g.i.f.- 6.16.06 update

hi all:

just talked to dad. mom's all settled in to her new room in the p.c.u. sounds like it's much roomier! not much activity yet today on mom's part....she's been snoozing all morning!

elizabeth, the social worker, put in a call today for the rehab assessment to be done. they'll review mom's charts and determine whether or not she's ready to go. elizabeth told dad that, in her opinion, mom will likely be ready for rehab! she can't be transferred until she's done with the oxygen tube (which was a step down from the respirator). they already weening her off that, though, because she's doing so well breathing on her own! go mom!

if she's ready for rehab...she'll probably be transferred in the next week or so. in rehab, they'll continue to work with mom to bring her out of it. we'll know more once we choose a rehab facility.

keep your fingers crossed for a good day today. way to go mom...you're doing great. get some good zzzzzs today so you can smile for me tonight when i get there! love you so much!

much love to you all,

June 15, 2006

just a cute picture!

just thought i'd post a cute picture of mom and dad (from a very windy day in Boston)!

much love,

thursday 6.15.06- update

morning all!

just a little update. she did well last night. as you all know, they took the drain out yesterday and she's also completely off the respirator and breathing on her own. go mom! they also removed her stitches (from the surgery). physically, she's made quite a bit of progress over the past three weeks! they're also hoping to move her a.s.a.p. to another unit...the p.c.u. (progressive care unit). that unit is sort of in between intensive care and a regular hospital room. anyway, it's just a matter of waiting for a room to open up. could be this afternoon, or might be this weekend.

the docs/nurses will be doing a rehab assessment for mom on tuesday (i think). they'll decide either: she's ready for inpatient rehab OR she's not quite ready. if she's not quite ready, she'll be transferred to what's called a skilled nursing unit. there, they'll keep working with her until she's coherent enough to begin rehab. no worries, it's perfectly normal for people to have to spend some time in a unit like this in between a hospital stay and rehab. what's important is making sure mom is completely ready to begin rehab. no need to rush her into something her body's not quite ready for.

anyway, keep the positive thoughts and prayers going for the next week or so. hopefully, now that the nurses can sit her up and move her around a lot more throughout the day she'll really start to come out of it. mostly, though, we just have to give her time!

keep fighting mom...we know it's a frustrating and slow process....but you can do it!! we'll be with you every step of the way.

much love to you all!


June 13, 2006

tuesday 6.13.06- update

hi all:

just talked to dad. the nurses/docs are saying they are probably going to take the drain out either later this afternoon or first thing tomorrow morning. it was pretty much shut off all day yesterday and she maintained a normal brain pressure on her own. there were a couple spikes in pressure throughout the day (4 or 5), so the nurses would open the drain for a minute or so and it would come right back down.

they are continuing to decrease mom's support on the respirator. that takes a couple days, though, because the muscles and such in your lungs have to remember how to breathe. she's still doing well though! after she's off the repirator, she'll just get oxygen.

mom will probably stay in the ccu (intensive care) even after the drain comes out, at least until friday or so. then, hopefully, she'll be ready to move to a regular hospital room.

keep the positive thoughts going! it's a slow process, but she's healing every day. much love to you all!


June 12, 2006

monday, monday, monday....

hi all:

just talked to dad. sounds like mom is having another active morning! she's continuing to move a lot and is responsive to dad and the nurses.

as for the drain update, it may or may not come out today. it's still shut off, and the nurses and doctors are continuing to watch her numbers and levels. she's still doing well they say! they'll probably run another ct scan before removing the drain just to be absolutely sure it's ready to come out. from what dad can gather, it will be removed either late today or tomorrow.

another bit of good news....mom is pretty much breathing ALL on her own! dad says they have the respirator pretty much shut off. go mom!! i know as of last night she was only getting 6 breaths/minute from the respirator. sounds like they've decreased that even more for today. dad says the hope is that in a few days they be able to take that respirator out of her esophagus. no more breathing tube! they'll insert a little plug where the tube was and the hole will eventually close up. should only be a minor scar.

as aunt cathy says, keep the faith! the important thing is that she's doing well with the drain off!! she's still holding her own, remaining active, and responding to commands. keep your fingers crossed for another improved ct scan and an order from the docs for that drain to be removed soon!

much love to you all!!

food for thought: "life's battles don't always go to the strongest or fastest. sooner or later those who win, are those who think they can."

even though mom may be considered "old" (she'd be so angry about that classification!) in neurological years.....she's got more fight in her than anyone i know. keep believing in her so that when she's ready for rehab she will have no choice but to believe in herself and in a full recovery!